Abstract of research papers intended for presentation be uploaded on the conference web-link (https://confseries.in/Register.aspx?cid=4)
as the MS word file. The abstract restricted to maximum 300 words, must
contain the title of the paper, name of each author with affiliation
and email address. The name of the presenting author must be underlined.
Papers presented in the Conference will be published in the Journal of
IAPS after review.
Young Scientist Award (YSA):
various fields of Physical Sciences the YSA is given to the presenters
in CONIAPS after screening process of their full-length paper and
presentation before the panel of five experts.
Eligibility for Young Scientist Award (YSA):
registered research scholar competing for the YSA must not crossed the
age of 35 years on December 21, 2024, evidenced from the Board
Examination Certificate. Contestants for YSA have to submit Full- Text
paper along with the age proof and proof of paid registration fee.
Papers for YSA should not be authored by more than two scholars/
scientist. Full-length Paper for the YSA must reach to the convener
through the registration link latest by November 15, 2024.
Registration Fee Details:
Dead line for
Early Registration
Non stipendiary
Registration (All Categories)
December 2024
SAARC Countries
Rs. 3000
Rs. 2000
Rs. 3500
Other Countries
$ 100
- For each accompanying person extra Rs. 2000 (SAARC countries) / $100 (other Countries)
- A rebate of 10% in registration fee for Life members of IAPS.
- For M.Sc. Students Registration Fees is Rs. 500/- only.(Only participation)
- Registration fee can be paid online.
- Account Details
for Registration Fee submission are as follows:
Account Name: Organizing Secretary CONIAPS 2024 Account Number: 4322935958-5 Bank Name: STATE BANK OF INDIA Branch: Ravishankar
Shukla University Branch IFSC Code: SBIN0003739 MICR CodE: 49200210
You can also Pay the fee by Scanning the following QR Code:

- Free Accommodation (Hostel), Conference Kit will be provided to all the delegates who will register before 07th. December 2024.